Mechanical Properties of Fluids

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Pressure, Surface Tension & Viscosity

Description: Pressure is force per unit area. Surface tension is the liquid's surface force. Viscosity is fluid resistance to flow.

Surface Tension on the Basis of Molecular Theorem

Description: Surface tension, based on molecular theory, is the cohesive force at a liquid's surface due to intermolecular attractions, minimizing surface area.

Surface Tension & Surface Energy

Description: Surface tension is the tendency of liquids to minimize their surface area, driven by intermolecular forces, affecting droplet formation and capillary action.

Surface Tension & Molecular Theory

Description: Molecular Theory , A drop of mercury of radius 0.2 cm is broken into 8 droplets of the same size. Find the work ,done if the surface tension ,of mercury is 435.5 dyne/cm , Angel of content

Zero Angle of Contact

Description: Angle of contact 900 and conditions for convexity and concavity, Capillary rise, Capillary in water after rise in level

Pressure Law & Pascal's Law

Description: Pressure law relates pressure, volume, and temperature; Pascal's law states pressure in a fluid is transmitted equally in all directions; gauge pressure measures pressure relative to atmospheric pressure, using instruments like the margaric barometer.

Manometer & Application of Pascal 's Law

Description: A manometer measures fluid pressure, a barometer measures atmospheric pressure, Pascal's law is applied in hydraulic brakes to transmit force efficiently through fluids.

Archimedes' Principle: Buoyancy

Description: Archimedes' Principle states that an object submerged in a fluid experiences an upward buoyant force equal to the weight of the fluid displaced by the object.

Effect of Gravity on Fluid Pressure

Description: Gravity increases fluid pressure with depth, as fluid weight adds to the pressure, described by Pascal's law, influencing hydraulic systems and natural phenomena.

Numericals Based on Fluids

Description: Solution of Numericals Based on Fluids

Viscosity & Turbulent Flow

Description: Viscosity is a fluid's resistance to flow; turbulent flow is chaotic, irregular fluid motion.

Angle of Contact

Description: Acute angle of contact., Convex meniscus - obtuse angle of contact,

Principal of Continuity & Its Application

Description: The principle of continuity ensures smooth, unbroken transitions in mathematical functions, processes, or physical phenomena.

Bernoulli's Principle & Torricelli's Law

Description: Bernoulli's Principle: Fluid pressure decreases as its velocity increases, explaining flight and fluid dynamics.Torricelli's Law: Fluid speed exiting an orifice equals that from free fall from the same height.

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