Description: MCQs Based on Importance of Chemistry, Nature of matter, Properties of matter and their Measurement, Uncertainty in Measurement, Laws of Chemical Combinations, Dalton's Atomic Theory.
Description: MCQs Based on Atomic and Molecular Masses, Mole Concept and Molar Masses,
Description: "MCQs Based on Discovery of Sub-atomic Particles, Atomic Models,Developments Leading to the Bohr's Model of Atom."
Description: MCQs Based on Bohr's Model for Hydrogen Atom,Towards Quantum Mechanical Model of the Atom,Quantum Mechanical Model of Atom.
Description: MCQs Based on Kossel - Lewis Approach to Chemical Bonding, Ionic or Electrovalent Bond, Bond Parameters, The Valence Shell Electron Pair Repulsion (VSEPR) Theory.
Description: MCQs Based on Kossel - Lewis Approach to Chemical Bonding, Ionic or Electrovalent Bond, Bond Parameters, The Valence Shell Electron Pair Repulsion (VSEPR) Theory & Valence Bond Theory, Hybridisation, Molecular Orbital Theory.
Description: MCQs Based on Kossel - Lewis Approach to Chemical Bonding, Ionic or Electrovalent Bond, Bond Parameters, The Valence Shell Electron Pair Repulsion (VSEPR) Theory & Valence Bond Theory, Hybridisation, Molecular Orbital Theory.
Description: MCQs Based on The Gaseous State, The Gases Laws & Ideal Gas Equation.
Description: MCQs Based on Intermolecular Forces, Thermal Energy & Intermolecular Forces vs Thermal Interactions.
Description: MCQs Based on Kinetic Energy and Molecular Speeds,Kinetic Molecular Theory of Gases,Behaviour of Real Gases, Liquefication of Gases, Liquid State.
Description: MCQs Based on Introduction, Thermal Equilibrium, Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics, Heat, Internal Energy and Work, First Law of Thermodynamics & (Specific Heat Capacity, Thermodynamic State Variables and Equation of State, Thermodynamic Processes
Description: MCQs Based on Specific Heat Capacity, Thermodynamic State Variables and Equation of State, Thermodynamic Processes & (Heat Engines, Refrigerators and Heat Pumps, Second Law of Thermodynamics, Reversible and Irreversible Processes, Carnot Engine
Description: MCQs Based on Types of Solutions, Expressing Concentration of Solutions, Solubility, Vapour Pressure of Liquid Solutions
Description: MCQs Based on Types of Solutions, Expressing Concentration of Solutions, Solubility, Vapour Pressure of Liquid Solutions
Board: CBSE
Stream: Science
Standard: XI
Course: JEE/NEET
Know MoreBoard: CBSE
Stream: Science
Standard: XI
Course: JEE/NEET
Know MoreBoard: CBSE
Stream: Science
Standard: XI
Course: JEE/NEET
Know MoreBoard: CBSE
Stream: Science
Standard: XI
Course: JEE/NEET
Know MoreBoard: CBSE
Stream: Science
Standard: XII
Course: JEE/NEET
Know MoreBoard: CBSE
Stream: Science
Standard: XII
Course: JEE/NEET
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