Introduction to Product Management

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Fintech Intro

Description: Fintech Intro covers the basics of financial technology, its impact, trends, and innovations in finance.

What is a Product

Description: A product is a tangible or intangible item created to satisfy customer needs or solve problems.

Who is a PM

Description: A PM, or Product Manager, oversees product development, aligning strategy, design, and delivery with market needs.

Product Team at GRAB and UBER

Description: The Product Team at GRAB and UBER develops and manages services, focusing on innovation, user experience, and market needs.

What does Product Management Mean

Description: Product Management involves planning, developing, and optimizing products to meet customer needs and business goals.

What actually a PM Does

Description: A PM coordinates teams, sets product vision, manages development, and ensures alignment with customer needs.

Let's Solve a Problem

Description: Let's Solve a Problem focuses on identifying issues, brainstorming solutions, and implementing effective strategies to address challenges.

Product Team

Description: The Product Team collaborates to design, develop, and deliver products, aligning with market demands and company goals.

Product Development Process

Description: Product Development Process involves idea generation, design, testing, and launch, ensuring products meet customer needs and goals.

Let's Pick a Product

Description: Let's Pick a Product involves selecting a product idea based on market research, feasibility, and potential impact.

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